Video Walk Through - updated


  1. Hey Wallace - lost your blog address and then discovered I could find it again via your comment on my blog! Great to see action happening on your container house! After that hiatus it all seems to be coming together very quickly now. Looking forward to seeing more.

    My own house is moving along glacially!! With council building permission granted only 15 months ago (before which I wasn't allowed to so much as dig a hole) I am reasonably happy with progress especially as I am trying to do everything myself. (I did all the design,architectural/plumbing/electrical/environmental plan drawings myself)

    Lots of interruptions with bad weather, engineering plan errors, overseas adventures and a long distance relationship have all eaten into time spent working on the place - but finally with all necessary walls cut out it is beginning to look like a livable space!! But still a long way to go.

    Best of luck with progress and I'll be keeping an eye on it.
    Cheers, Terry

  2. This was a lovvely blog post


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