News - Closing went well

At this time we are official land owners.  It feels almost relieving.  I just have been so anxious of this that I am ready to have my hands in the dirt already.  Just being the owner seems piddles.  I am so over being the owner, I want to get to work on my homestead.

I am very sickly and feel like total crap.  Even so, I am at work because I don't want to make up hours later.  So I am hanging in there at this time.  I hope to get by the land to see some things, take some photos, greet the neighbors, officially.  I have met them, but now I am there neighbor guy.  Maybe ask the wife to make some goodies to offer to them as a token offering.

Please stand by and we should start seeing some pretty cool updates in the next month.  Thanks for everyone's support at this time.


  1. Congratulations. Candid put me to work researching container architecture and we've developed a few ideas. Candid has a great book of built container projects of all sizes that we've been using as part of our research, discovery, and development process.


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