There has been several alternatives to electricity monitoring. There is the Microsoft Hohm and several others. The one that struck my eye the other day was this GE alternative to tracking your homes usage. There are several reasons to like the system.
This system seems to work with any home that currently has a SMART METER installed to monitor your usage from the electric company. All you appear to need are some sockets that are all wired through the house to the circuit breaker and the power meter.
The system is stated to have software that allows you to not only monitor you system, but access the information remotely and possibly control certain appliances (GE appliances in the future).
At a price between $149-199 that sounds like a real winner to me. I called Blue Bonnett Electric to see if they offered SMART METERs and they stated that this was currently being used, but we would need to confirm before starting service.
To read GE's website click HERE
Anyone else have any thoughts? Or know any other alternatives that might be better?
I am not familiar with electricity monitoring, but I like the idea. Looking forward to seeing what you find on it.