Topic discussion - WALL STRENGTH

Todays topic is going to be wall strength.  This is something that Alan discussed when we visited, and gave strict advice that I found very helpful.  He explained to us that if you remove any part of the wall, that the wall would lose quite a bit of core strength and become somewhat weak.  He explained that the wall would wobble and not be able to hold it's original form.  He stated that it would bow out.  What Alan did was to build the frame on the side of the box and tack weld the wall to the frame using L brackets.  This seemed to be a great resolution to the problem.  On the other hand I spent a good time that day after we left thinking of what I could do to stop the problem altogether.  I decided that I would build the frame first, then tack down the wall to the frame.  Then after that is all in place, we could cut out any doors or windows that we needed.  My other thoughts were that since we planned to have floor to ceiling windows at the ends of the containers, maybe cutting the doors and windows was really not necessary.  Why compromise the integrity of the wall, when you don't really need to?  There is a lot of creative thinking in this realm that we are going to do in the planning stages.  I am sure that once we get together with Candid, he will have some genius ideas to implement and our ideas will not seem so incredible.  But then again, he is a great architect.  Only time will tell...


  1. Not sure if you have seen it, but the show Planet Mechanics built a container house at The University of Liverpool. It is on planet green all the time. I found it online split into three parts (linked below). They talk about wall strength, insulation, heating, just about everything on the show. They build a simple house but its a great watch.

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:

  2. Totally going to watch that the first chance I get today. Gotta get through the day at work first... :(

  3. It should be noted that my inside framing is NOT there for reinforcing the outside container shell. It is ONLY there to properly support the inside wall material and create a cavity for the insulation. All reinforcement around the windows and huge door opening was done with steel angle iron. (I can show you this in person if you'd like as it makes it very clear) There was one large 2"x2" square tubing used to reinforce the shell where the door now opens, but that is all. The structure is very tight now. Remember also that it's impossible to install even a prefab window into ANY part of the container without a thick steel carrier frame first being welded into the container to support it. You could go without any windows on the sides of the containers, but I think that would definitely negatively affect the design and open feeling of the rooms in each of the containers. I promise that this all is MUCH simpler than I bet it sounds. Come take another visit when you're ready.


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